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Abby Hasberry joins us to talk about the importance of adult transracial adoptees developing a positive racial identity. We can’t develop that as children (nor as adults) when racial mirrors and cultural experiences are nonexistent. Abby shares some tools and strategies we can use to do this work of racial reclamation, and she addresses a common fear and question, “but is this cultural appropriation?”.
Are you a White parent raising a Black child? Wondering how to talk with them about the realities of race and what that means in the world? Dr. Nanika Coor talks with therapist Abby Hasberry to hear what White parents need to know about raising a Black child to have a healthy racial identity. You’re going to hear about how to prepare your Black child for the realities of racism, how to help them process when they are personally impacted.
A Conversation About Racial Identity Development, Trauma, & Relationships
In anticipation of the release of her memoir, Adopting Privilege: Finding Identity through the Fog of Transracial Adoption & Trauma. Abby joins us to discuss her experiences with closed adoptions as an adoptee and a birth parent. Using her research on identity development and her experience as a trauma-informed therapist, Abby examines the mental health effects of policies in closed adoption.
Abby speaks with The Adoption Files podcast about transracial adoption, closed adoption, adoption trauma and more.
Monarch Connections presents Black female change makers and their stories
A great conversation about the complexities of reunion and adoption from both the adoptee and the birth mom perspective. This talk also includes great tips in creating boundaries and centering the needs of the adopted person.
Dr. Hasberry shares her experiences developing her racial identity as a transracial adoptee.
When a child has an anxiety disorder, parents are tasked with finding the best therapeutic fit, navigating the child’s academic experience, teaching their child to understand their needs and then advocate for them, and not forgetting to take care of themselves as people, not only as parents. Abby Hasberry, LMFT-A, shares her experience as a counselor and a mom, and offers resources for parenting kids with anxiety disorders.